Wayne Cheah

Web/Mobile Developer

A code writer, focusing on web/mobile application development. Passionate about the web technology, live and breathe it...

Wayne has been the IT industry ever since the 2000s, He likes to tear apart JavaScript libraries and mess around with bleeding edge web tools like NodeJS, Socket.io, AngularJS, Polymer & MongoDB.

Job Experience

THN Technology System| October 2009 - Actual.
iPowerHost| June 2006 - September 2009.
Asia Pacific Net| July 2004 - May 2006.


Computing Information Technology| Apiit College.
Computer Science| Institute Astin.


Linux Command Line Volume1| Udemy.
M101JS: MongoDB for Node.js Developers| MongoDB.
Try Git| Code School.

Contact Information

Messenger Links

- wayne.cheah

- cheahkokweng

Social Links

- wayne.cheah
- +WayneCheahKW
- @waynecheah

- waynecheah
- waynecheah